środa, 10 sierpnia 2011

Long szlong


PhotobucketPhotobucketI wasn't posting at monday, because I was drinking beer (Pilsner Urquel of course!). And I have really weak head to this kind of drinks. And I was ridding in tram to hell with 666 numer on it. So now nothing can scare me! Well You working hard and You don't have money for vacation, to go somewhere. Well You can, but You should take credit, and be grounded for something about more than year. I like my home and I have many things to do in my home, so I don't have problems with vacation. Of course I wish to see some other countries, but not at all costs. I have many things to discover even sitting in my home. 
PhotobucketPhotobucketNow I'm drinking cherry "Lubelska Wiśniówka" and now I know how are felling all grannies who have cherry bottles in their pockets and taking gulp from time to time. It is only 100ml and 34% of alcohol, but this probably will kill me tomorrow. Did You fell this kind of smart on tongue at the beginning when You are drinking cherry? After this is funny feeling, that You can't stop laughing. And I'm watching North&South and writting on Blogger in this same time. Oh and Thornton beating Stephens! OMG! I love this shouting!

Check this out on Chirbit

INSANE!!! Polish vodka is really good. For gourmets. Well I don't know from experience, but I'd heard. I mean Insane is Thornton shouting not polish vodka.
PhotobucketBut I'm not only drinking. This cherry is my last before my B-day in august. I'm eating too :) mostly apples and my fav fruits - Peaches! This time I have apples from NZ but with number 94174 Royal Gala. YAY!!! "Organically grown! Well done, no nasties on that fruit!"

Fruit Sticker 94174: Apples, Royal Gala from New Zealand HERE

At last I had time to buy some more books. My new are:
From Heyer: Hazardzistka - Faro's daughter, Maskarada - The Masqueraders, Rezolutna - Reluctant widow.


PhotobucketPhotobucketAnd at last I bought this audiobook "Wuthering Heights" on sale for 1/4 price! I was thinking of this one and thinking and still this was too much for me - 10 euro. And voila! Power of the subconscious! Why You not always work!?

PhotobucketPhotobucketOk a teraz coś dla Polskich fanów "Północ-Południe": W nowej "Olivii" jest konkurs, w którym można wygrać książkę "Północ-Południe" z wydawnictwa Elipsa, wystarczy tylko wysłać wiadomość SMS na numer 72207 o treści OLIVIA.KULTURA, a potem odpowiedzieć na nadesłane pytanie. Poza tym: II tom powieści w EMPIK'u od 20 sierpnia. (informacja z "Bluszcz" nr 8 sierpień 2011)

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