My very old collection of chocolates. It all started in 1985 or 86. (Clickie on photos to enlarge).
This red one is my first ever. I found it in old book, as a bookmark.
Remember that '80 was hard time in Poland, there weren't much things from abroad etc. But I should say that is one very good thing in planned economy, which is above the all free market, market economy
durability of products
Just imagine that You have light bulbs factory. What is better for your business: light bulb which can work for 1000 hours or light bulb which can work for 10.000 hours?
For free market much more rentable is to offering product which have only 3 years warranty, than 30.
In planned economy when You don't have much materials, You have to make things which are working for many many years, even without reperation. My last microvawe I had 16 years, because was made in Poland in '90. It will be good to have this new one for 5 years. And why-we-have-so-many-junk-situation solved.
Ok back to chocolate :)

"Pani Twardowska" - not real chocolate, same as "Bogna", "Iwona" and "Chrupka" - which was not even sweet mass, but wafers in something like chocolate. :) Probably my oldest is ths green one "Malajska" from 1974. "Preludium", "Serenada" and "Etiuda" were very hard to buy, but they were real chocolate with filling. "Marysieńka" (this pink one) was half-sweet chocolate.

In some private shops, were some chocolates from different countries. Mostly from Czechoslovakia. Specially very good "Barila" with peanuts and "Studenska" - milk chocolate. Today Studenska is made by Orion which is part of Nestle and I have Nestle-boycott, so I'm buyng now only Zora or Figaro chocolates.

Hungary. Most famous Africana with cocos, and these little chocolates with letters. I found only A. And I can't have all RA :/.
CCCP - I consider that these 2 are the most beautiful I've ever had. Maybe this isn't very good photo, but details are amazing, colour and texture. Not seen on paper for chocolate.

DDR - Deutsche Demokratische Republik and BDR - Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
DDR - milk chocolates - Treffer, Disko-Snack, Katzenzungen. From BDR most of all Mauritus which I can buy now in Aldi Market - really good chocolate. This one was very popular.
Orginal USA Milky Way and Twix from 1989 and Hersheys :)
And China - really good chocolates.
Of course I have all Europe and part of World in chocolates (all something about 6.000), but these were the most popular :). Should burn all of these ;D