środa, 18 maja 2011

Venetia by Heyer - in polish "Decyzja" (Decision) from 1997 at last on my shelf

Still I just can't believe in this. Yesterday thanks to some kind of circumstances which I had to change my plans I have now Venetia in polish translation! I bought it in new second-hand bookshop in city center. I was thinking about buy in this place something other, but this was really surprise to find there other shop.

Polish Venetia has title "Decyzja" (Decision) is from 1997. The publisher DA CAPO exacly not exists today. Book is in series "Don't hide this book by Your wife, She will buy new one" - or this kind :? Translation by Andrzej Molek. 319 pages.




In this series are other books of Georgette Heyer. I found Sylvester, but there isn't probably translation of The Convenient Marriage, because I can't find it in e-book.

Here is a little gift for polish friends
Decyzja to download in doc HERE

7 komentarzy:

Ania pisze...

Jonia, thanks very much for gift :-)
Jesteś aniołem!

Anonimowy pisze...

I LOOOVVEEE Venitia and Sylvester. I assume that you have the
audiobooks read my the MAN him self:)

Joanna pisze...

Thank you Jonia:D KOCHAM CIĘ:)

Jonia's cut pisze...

Hello Ania, Alfie and Joanna.
Ania and Joanna You welcome, I hope that You will buy your books soon :) and N&S will be already published.

Alfie Yes I have and I love Sylvester, but I wasn't sure what Richard is reading in Venetia, so now this book really helps :)

Joanna pisze...

Well,I have"Shakespeare retold","North and South"film and book,"Robin Hood"(only for Richard and Keith.A:))

Ania pisze...

I heard that the translation of N&S is to be released in June, but unfortunately only the first part (and no one knows when publish the second part :-( )

Jonia's cut pisze...

Yes Ania I heard this too, but it not sounds good when they are talking about parts. This is like with Robin Hood with Richard that we have only 1 to 5 part from first season :/

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